Identity Management

The identification of Business partners is essential for conducting transactions via open networks – re­gard­less if it is a customer, an enterprise or a public au­thor­i­ty.

  • How can someone identify its Communication partner (Authentication)?

  • How can access to specific data or operations be secured (Authorization)?

  • How can transactions be released revision-safe and traceable (Transaction release)?

NOVOSEC offers Consultancy and Integration of se­cure methods and describes the relevant processes for issuance and management of the supported me­dia (Certificates, Smart cards, etc.)


Authentication and Transaction release mechanisms can generally be categorized either as Knowledge (e.g. name, PIN) or Possession (e.g. token, card, bio­met­ric feature). Depending on the requested Security level and Application area several methods can be used. We support you with defining the required Security level, and selection and integration of the most suitable solution for your requirements. Beside Profitability and Security, primarily Ease-of-use and Convenience are important. A method can only be rec­om­mend­ed if it is accepted by the users. In the ideal case Security will be integrated in a way that the ap­pli-

ca­tion is not handicapped, but rather easier and simpler to use.

Registration and Roll-out

The Quality of the Identification – the determination of a person's identity by means of a unique char­ac­ter­is­tic – and the Transaction release depends not only on the used method: The most secure method loses its effectiveness when the processes for Application (Reg­is­tra­tion) and Issuance (Roll-out) do not guarantee the same high quality. Therefore, it should be the aim to provide not only a secure method but also to define processes for Application and Issuance in such a way that the security of the method is always ensured. Only the combination of a secure method and a harmonized Roll-out process offers an efficient so­lu­tion.

Well-known customers of different industries are using our knowledge productively, in order to cus­tom­ize their applications, systems and processes ac­cord­ing to the growing requirements.